Reviews about Zenidol

  • Silvia
    Almost every spring I get a fungus on my feet. I've tried many drugs, I know a lot about them. I can firmly say that Zenidol copes best with this problem. I picked it up on the manufacturer's official website. Sent by post, paid on site. A couple of applications are enough - and forget about the problem.
  • Rudi
    I recently went to the pool. And he ran bare feet on the tiles, even though he knew it was impossible because many people walk with different wounds. Of course I developed a mushroom. A friend immediately told me about the wonderful remedy Zenidol. The result was amazing, three days after the administration there was no trace of the fungus.
  • Silvia
    Itchy toes tormented me for a long time. I went to a dermatologist and he said I had mycosis. Prescribed me a drug. A month was treated, no result. I found an article on the Internet about Zenidol cream. I bought it on the website, after the first use the itch went away. I came back to the dermatologist a month after using it, he said the fungus was gone.
  • Rudi
    I live in a country house and there, you know, there are beds, a lawn, in summer I walked barefoot and a fungus formed on my feet. I complained to my daughter, she brought me Zenidol cream and told me to use it as it is an effective and safe tool. I smeared the affected area for 4 days and the fungus disappeared as if it didn't exist at all. I recommend it to anyone!
  • Dewi
    I just couldn't understand why my toes itch. I smeared with folk remedies, calendula, propolis tincture, nothing worked. I went to the doctor and got tested and he said it was a fungus. Prescribed Zenidol ointment. The effect of using it was the next day. The redness and the burning sensation are gone. I don't remember the mushroom anymore.
User rating Zenidol